aHa! Essentials for Artist-Producers

aHa! Essentials for Artist-Producers

Learning Essentials

aHa! and Ask Anything are two educational workshop and mentorship programs unmasking the wide array of essential skills and tools emerging artists, producers, and managers need to sustain successful, lifelong careers in the arts.

First launched in August 2019, aHa! is intended as an ongoing workshop series providing online webinars on best practices in arts administration and producing for emerging, small creators and producers from all arts and culture disciplines. Topics include essentials of grant writing, financial management and bookkeeping, and more. aHa! workshop content has been designed by Jessa Agilo with the support of an individual grant from Canada Council for the Arts.

Launched in August 2016, Ask Anything is an annual internship program for 3 to 8 emerging arts and culture managers and producers providing 125 to 300 hours of guided mentorship and training in arts management and social innovation. To date, participants have come from Humber’s Post-Graduate Arts Administration and Cultural Management Program, Ryerson University’s Undergraduate Creative Industries Program, and University of Toronto’s Undergraduate Urban Planning and Development Program.

aHa! Grant Writing: PDF | Video
Aug 21, 2019

  • Categories:Bolster knowledge